Sometimes when you’re looking for a Cardiff website design company, well, some companies here in Cardiff may instantly think that you are an expert on building websites and therefore understand the language that we use.

However, let’s face it, most business owners do not know much about building websites, and that’s why they hire us-right?

So, if your shopping around, looking for a website design agency, yet keep here this term WordPress” cropping up time and time again, and wondered what the term met, well, you’ve most certainly come to the right place.

We are WordPress experts, and we have been building websites for businesses in Cardiff for many years, so we would like to explain to you some of the benefits of choosing a WordPress website:


Easy to use

Okay so some website designers Cardiff may have their own CMS, which stands for content management system.

Now, its all well and good the website designers having their own CMS, that’s bespoke to that design agency- but what if the CMS is not very good?

That’s to say it only let’s you add blog posts, but not edit the main pages? Well, we think that’s rubbish.

This is why we prefer to use WordPress; you can easily edit most pages, and also with most WordPress sites its easy to add blog posts even add meta titles and meta descriptions yourself.


Cost effective

Okay, so if you’re a large business, then you may have the marketing budget to hire loads of website developers, all with coding knowledge.

Great- but what if you’re a small business, and you only have a small marketing budget?

Well, you may wish to have a site designed in WordPress, and to save on the amount of time it takes to build the website, well, you may even want to use a template?

If you do not, we do have website developers that can also build your website from scratch.



Okay, so this is what we think is one of the best things about WordPress, that’s the amount of free and paid for plugins.

So, let’s say you want a new contact form, the old contact us form, well that’s allowing too much spam to hit your inbox.

So, with some website design agencies, well they may recommend that the new contact us form be designed bespoke for your website. This requires coding knowledge, and therefore hiring a website agency that has website developers.

However, with WordPress, you can simply add a contact form via a plugin, its super simple to do, and cuts the amount of time that your website designer needs to spend building your website, so yes you got it, we can charge a lower fee.


Cardiff WordPress

WordPress is used by businesses, and website design agencies all across the world, yet here in Cardiff our website designers can design a website in WordPress for you.


So, what are the benefits of opting for a WordPress site?

·        Has a dashboard so it’s easier to manage your website

·        On most designs you can edit the main pages and posts yourself

·        Cost effective

·        Can be updated easily

·        Often most designs are already “mobile ready”

·        The design can be changed at a later date using WordPress

·        Easy to add new pages

·        Easy to add blog posts

·        Most of our clients easily add new company news pages themselves

·        Used across the world by many businesses


If you would like your new website to be designed in WordPress, and for our website design companies Cardiff to build it for you, then why not e-mail us today?